WEBinside offer development and design of small and medium size websites;

– an open and dialogic working style starting out from the clients needs, commitment and actual input

– redesign and upgrading existing websites to a more user friendly and contemporary design

– building and designing new websites which support the clients vision, functional needs and aesthetic profile

– websites are developed in WordPress with the Beaverbuilder themer/pagebuilder in combination with relevant plugins

Reach out for a dialogue;

Take a look at some WEBinside projects;

Kontemplation >>
Foreningen Børns Livskundskab >>
ELYSIA urteverksted >>
Foreningen Plant et Frø >>
Kirsten Rotbøll Lassen >>
Torunn Schei >>
Center for Systems Awareness >> >> >> >>
Anne Sælebakke >>
Integrativ udvikling >>
Tove Ahlmark >> >>


project we have been working on since 2018


typical projects


The projects which fit the workflow, interest and competencies of WEBinside, are those clients who wish for a close collaboration and co-creative proces on structure, functionality and visual design.

The working process is designed to support the client to be able to run the sites basic administrative procedures after our assignment is completed.



Small companies and self-employed businesses, which maybe already have a website running, but need an upgrading and renewal of both content, functionality and visual design.

It could be a matter of 5-7 pages which either are primarily static and/or the client inhibit the competencies to work with changing content in backend.

The client delivers the main content of photos, graphics, text and other content to complete the website.

Project: 15-25 hours (approx € 2.000 - 3.300 ex. VAT)



Projects which include both static and dynamic content, with the need for content and presentation to be well organised, both for the user and  administrator of the site. This includes increased number of pages, considerations on visual design, imagery and editing, as well as design of graphic elements.

Typically a site with a larger amount of content than small and single person businesses.

Scope of the task would be 30-80 hours (approx. € 3.300 - 9.300 ex. VAT).

slightly larger


More comprehensive projects which are heavy on content and dynamic features, and often with special needs for customized functionalities and graphic design.

Typically projects extending 80 hours, and which are created in a close collaboration, continuous development and co-creation with the client.

Extent of the task could be 80-140 hours (approx. € 9.300 - 16.000 ex. VAT).

about us;

WEBinside is a collaborative part-time project on development and design of small and medium size websites – an inspiring and professional connection between the Engineer and the Architect – between the spatial visual and the analytic and structural – between the functional and the sensual aesthetic.


OUR PASSION ... keep it simple ...  structure ... architecture ... sensual ... artistic ... connecting inner and outer nature ... analysis before conclusion ... user friendly ... social change initiatives ... contemplation practices ... dialog ... empathic understanding ... close relationship with the message communicated ...  sustainability ...

visual design &
graphic styling

dialog and collaboration with the client on the aesthetics and 'feel' of the website – advising and shaping the overall design concept and visual graphics – bringing in sensuality, life and creativity

principles &
work process



underlying structure & functionality

dialog and mapping of the websites architecture – simplicity and functionality for both user and administrator of the site – analysis and clarification of demands and solutions based on these

Contemporary design and functionality – kept as simple and clear as possible.



ninni sødahl

architect | bodytheraphist | artwork


søren munk

engineer | psycotheraphist | musician

principles & work process



Contemporary design and functionality – kept as simple and clear as possible.

visual design & graphic styling

dialog and collaboration with the client on the aesthetics and 'feel' of the website – advising and shaping the overall design concept and visual graphics – bringing in sensuality, life and creativity

underlying structure & functionality

dialog and mapping of the websites architecture – simplicity and functionality for both user and administrator of the site – analysis and clarification of demands and solutions based on these


ninni sødahl

architect | bodytheraphist | artwork


søren munk

engineer | psychotheraphist | musician


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